
Genuine leather handbags

Luciana Red
Luciana Red

Genuine leather handbag with lining and pocket inside, with metal shoulder strap.

Size: 23 x 14 x 4 cm

Price: 1.750,- CZK

Luciana Burgundy
Luciana Burgundy

Genuine leather handbag with lining and pocket inside, with metal shoulder strap.

Size: 23 x 14 x 4 cm

Price: 1.750,- CZK

Luciana Black
Luciana Black

Genuine leather handbag with lining and pocket inside, with metal shoulder strap.

Size: 23 x 14 x 4 cm

Price: 1.750,- CZK

Jacquard handbags

Vertigo Red
Vertigo Red

Small jacquard handbag with leaves pattern in red. With inside pocket, shoulder chain strap.

Size: 24 x 18 cm

Price: 1.100,- CZK

Vertigo Emerald
Vertigo Emerald

Small jacquard handbag with leaves pattern in red. With inside pocket, shoulder chain strap.

Size: 24 x 18 cm

Price: 1.100,- CZK